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Freelancing & Remote Work
Elharefa Blog is a hub for freelancers, remote professionals, businesses, and entrepreneurs to learn the current best practices, tips, tutorials, and guides, you’ll find the most up-to-date content for your business and career.
Editor’s Pick
Elharefa in a New Brand Identity!
Elharefa is not just a platform; but a full integrated platform & community for freelancers & remote job seekers in the MENA region. The origin of the word Elharefa:Elharefa are…
Al7arefa Works with LaLiga on New Spanish-Arabic Football Dictionary
Freelance work isn’t just about doing jobs. It’s about making connections with people, brands, organizations, cultures, and countries. Recently Al7arefa got a project that reflected this idea of connecting people…
Latest Stories
Elharefa in a New Brand Identity!
Elharefa is not just a platform; but a full integrated platform & community for freelancers & remote job seekers in the MENA region. The origin of the word Elharefa:Elharefa are…
Al7arefa Works with LaLiga on New Spanish-Arabic Football Dictionary
Freelance work isn’t just about doing jobs. It’s about making connections with people, brands, organizations, cultures, and countries. Recently Al7arefa got a project that reflected this idea of connecting people…
Building a Growth Team: How Al7arefa’s Data Entry Experts Prospered Click Offers
In Ramadan 2019, Al7arefa was tasked by one of its Saudi Arabian clients to hire a full team of remote data entry specialists. It was challenging –– but not impossible!…
How to Hire a Freelance Designer
Design is a significant determinant of a brand’s uniqueness. The word “brand” is mostly associated with a specific visual representation, like a logo associated with a company or product. Therefore,…
How to Hire a Freelance Writer
Having freelance writers on board can work wonders for your business. By being a source of steady high-quality content for your readers, you build loyalty and increase your customer retention…
How to Hire a Freelance Developer
Hiring a freelance developer is a task that’s easier said than done. With the vast number of freelance platforms available on the market, the choice becomes challenging, especially considering that…
What Are the Pros and Cons of Managing a Remote Team?
Over the past few months, businesses both in the Arab world and across the world have to come to a new reality: working from home not from the office. This…
6 Tips to Effectively Manage Your Remote Team
The past few months have forced companies and managers across the globe to explore new areas of management. It has specifically put business owners against the task of managing their…
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